
Owning Stocks

Cash App Investing lets you sort the stocks you own by daily percent change, total return, and total investment value.

To change your Stocks Owned view:

  1. Tap the Investment tab on your Cash App home screen

  2. Scroll down to Stocks Owned

  3. Press the percentage change next to a stock that you own

  4. Select an option

If you have purchased a company’s stock, you will also see the total number of shares that you own.

Dividends are a portion of a company’s cash holdings paid out to its shareholders. They are generally sent out on a scheduled basis that is determined by the company’s board of directors. Dividends are not guaranteed and some companies don’t offer them at all.

If you hold a small amount of shares, rounding may affect your ability to be credited for dividends as you may not receive dividends in denominations under one cent.

If you receive a notification that a dividend has been awarded, the funds will appear in your Cash App balance.


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