
Searching Stocks

To search for a stock or ETF on Cash App Investing, you can:

Search for specific criteria:

  1. Tap the Money tab on your Cash App home screen

  2. Tap on the Stocks Tile

  3. Tap the search bar

  4. Enter your search query

Explore by lists:

  1. Tap the Money tab on your Cash App home screen

  2. Tap on the Stocks Tile

  3. Tap the search bar

  4. Scroll down to see categories

Our top categories include:

  • Most traded stocks - stocks with the highest trading volume over the last 30 days

  • Most traded ETFs - asset bundles with the highest trading volume over the last 30 days

  • Stocks that paid dividends - stocks and ETFs that have paid the highest dividends over the last year

You can also narrow down stocks and securities by tapping the below buttons under the search bar:

  • Category: searching stocks and securities by industry

  • Performance: searching stocks and securities by price history

  • Advanced: searching securities by dividends that were paid out in the last 180 days

To learn how to buy stocks and ETFs, check out our other help center article: Buying Stock.

~You can designate someone for us to contact in the event of any issues with your account by getting in touch with Cash App Support.~

~Brokerage services by Cash App Investing LLC, member FINRA/SIPC, and a subsidiary of Block, Inc. formerly known as Square, Inc. Investing and purchasing bitcoin involves risk; you may lose money. Bitcoin trading is offered by Block, Inc. Cash App Investing does not trade bitcoin and Block, Inc. is not a member of FINRA or SIPC. For additional information, see the Bitcoin and Cash App Investing disclosures.~

~All investing including ETF investing still involves risk including loss of principal. They are subject to market fluctuations and the risks of their underlying investments.
ETFs are subject to management fees and other expenses.

~Cash App Investing is a self-directed service; you are solely responsible for orders placed through your account. Cash App Investing does not provide investment advice or recommendations.
Fractional shares investing may involve additional risks such as non-transferability. For additional information regarding the unique risks and limitations of fractional shares, please see your
Investing Customer Account Agreement.~

~Fees for stocks may apply such as regulatory transactional fees and external account transfer fees, please see the investing House Rules.~

~Selling shares may have tax implications. If you have questions about your particular tax situation you should consult a tax advisor.~